A Guide To Building A Hot Wheels Display Case

Peter Simms // Last Updated on October 1, 2023

Hot Wheels are miniature toy cars that have become extremely popular among collectors. If you also love collecting them, chances are you have a bunch - maybe even dozens or hundreds! And, of course, you want to show off your collection to the world. That's where a hot wheels display case comes in handy!

However, building a display case for your Hot Wheels can take a lot of work, especially if you're not an experienced woodworker. But don't worry. We're here to help! This blog will guide you on how to build a hot wheels display case, from picking out the materials to displaying your collection in the best way possible.

About the Hot Wheels Display Case:

What is a Hot Wheels display case? The term "storage case" is another term for the hot wheels display case. These cases are important when it comes to protecting and showcasing prized collections of hot wheels. Its dimensions are roughly 22 inches tall and 18 inches wide. It has 10 shelves in total, each measuring 2 inches deep (spacing 1.5 inches). 

Did you know that the top shelves of the Hot Wheels display case are intended to provide additional room for larger cars?

Note: Hot Wheels display cases come in a variety of designs and sizes. Small cases hold a small number of collections, while larger cases hold up to hundreds of collections. 

Why Should I use a Display Case for My Hot Wheels Collection?

Following are the top 4 reasons why you should use a display case for your Hot Wheels collection.

1. Enhance the Look of Your Office or Household:

If you want to enhance the look of your office or household decoration, then the hot wheels display case plays a significant role. Indeed, it can give your private or commercial space an attractive and eye-catching look. Interesting right!!

2. Protection from Dirt and Damage:

I found no better alternative than a Hot Wheels display case to protect my collections from moisture, dust, and other potential hazards. Also, it protects hot wheels from the bad effects of direct sunlight, which can gradually damage your collection's color and aesthetic look.

3. Display in an Organized Way:

If you want to wow people by displaying your desired collections, then, of course, you need to position them in an organized way. This is where the hot wheels display case comes in, enabling you to find specific models of hot wheels on specific shelves easily.

4. Visual Look:

While displaying, even if they are not in play mode, but the decoration still gives your space an outstanding look. Indeed, they are appreciable and enjoyable. Also, they are known for giving your collection great value.

Build Your Hot Wheels Display Case: Easy 8 Steps to Follow

Looking to showcase your Hot Wheels collection? Building a hot wheels display case is easier than you might think! Here's what you'll need:

Materials Needed

  • 1 sheet of 1/4" thick foamboard (4ft x 8ft)
  • a metal ruler or t-square
  • a cutting mat
  • Table saw or circular saw
  • Jigsaw or bandsaw
  • Wood glue
  • Clamps
  • pencil
  • Brad nailer or finishing nails
  • Sandpaper
  • Paint or stain (optional)
  • Clear acrylic sheet or plexiglass
  • Screwdriver
  • Screws
  • Mounting components such as 3M command Velcro
  • Hot Wheels cars

Note: You can create the compartments with plywood, cardboard, or other materials.

8 Step-By-Step Processes to Build Hot Wheels Display Case

Here are 8 tried-and-true steps to help you understand how to make a DIY display case for your collection of Hot Wheels.

Step 1: Cut the foamboard.

Firstly, collect a table saw or circular saw. The foamboard sheet can be cut into the following pieces once you have the saw:

  • Base: 20” x 26.5 cm
  • Horizontal outside wall top and bottom: 20” x 4.5 cm
  • Vertical outside wall left and right: 27.5 cm x 4.5cm
  • Inside panel horizontal: 20” x 4 cm
  • Divider: 4 cm x 4 cm

Step 2: Assemble the Outside Walls

Take one of the horizontal outside wall pieces and apply a bead of wood glue to the edge. Attach it to the top of the base piece using clamps. Repeat this step with the other horizontal outside wall piece, attaching it to the bottom of the base piece.

Once the glue has dried, attach the vertical outside wall pieces to the base and the horizontal pieces using wood glue and clamps.

Step 3: Install the Inside Panels.

Attach the inside panel pieces to the vertical walls using wood glue and clamps. These panels will divide the case into individual compartments for the Hot Wheels cars.

Step 4: Install the Dividers.

Using wood glue, attach the divider pieces between the inside panels to create individual compartments for each Hot Wheels car.

Note: To get an extreme joint that can last for a long time, use gorilla glue, which is 100% waterproof when dry.

Step 5: Sand and Finish.

Sand the entire display case to remove any rough edges or splinters. Finish the display case with paint or stain to your desired color. You can also add any other decorations, such as decals or stickers.

Bonus Tip: For a unique idea, you can add LED lights to the case to highlight your Hot Wheels collection. Drill small holes in the case's top panel, insert LED lights through the holes, and connect them to a power source. The LED lights will dramatically affect your display case and make your collection stand out.

Step 6: Attach to the Wall.

Now you can hang your hot wheels display case from the wall using 3M Command Velcro. Cut the Velcro in half, stick it behind the two corners of your case, and attach it to the wall.

Step 7: Add a Glass Door (Optional).

Cut a piece of glass to fit over the front of the display case. Adding a hinged door is best to make it easier to access your collection.

Step 8: Install the Hot Wheels.

Once your display case is on the wall, install the Hot Wheels cars in their individual compartments.

Following are some key tips and suggestions for maintaining the hot wheels display case.

How do You Organize Hot Wheels Cars to Display in a Case?

Depending on personal preference and the collection size, there are a few different ways to arrange Hot Wheels cars.

Tips for organizing and arranging Hot Wheels collection within the display case:

  • Sort by theme: If you have many Hot Wheels cars based on movie or TV franchises, you could group them by theme. For example, you could have a section for Star Wars cars, a section for Marvel cars, etc.
  • Sort by color: Another option is to sort your cars by color. This can create a visually appealing display and make it easy to find a specific car if you know its color.
  • Sort by series: Hot Wheels releases cars in different series, such as the Treasure Hunt (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UAdgwQ0oMk4luGv0pU8cS_8OoaUY7zcLrzF0hnyvw1M/edit#), Car Culture, and RLC (Red Line Club) series. You could organize your collection by series to keep everything together.

Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Hot Wheels Display Case [A Table of Charts]

Following are some key tips and suggestions for maintaining the hot wheels display case.

Things You Need/Avoid

Tips to Clean and Maintain Your Hot Wheels Display Case

1. Non-abrasive and soft cloth

Always use a soft, non-abrasive cloth to clean the display case to prevent scratches on the surface. You can use a microfiber cloth, for example.

2. Harsh chemicals

You need to avoid any cleaning products that use harsh chemicals.

Warning: Harsh chemicals can damage the display surface of your hot wheels. Additionally, they might leave a residue on your Hot Wheels cars.

3. Remove hot wheel cars and accessories.

Make sure to remove all Hot Wheels vehicles and other playthings before cleaning. As a result, you can keep your car from getting damaged or wet.

4. Regular cleaning

One of the important parts of keeping display cases in good condition is that you clean them regularly.

Routine Tips: Clean your display case at least once a month. However, you can clean it more often if you find any dirt or debris build-up.

5. Dry Thoroughly

Following the cleaning procedures, you must make sure the case is completely dry. To prevent water stains, use a fresh, soft cloth.

6. Inspect regularly

Regular inspection is the final step in maintaining a Hot Wheels display case. This way, you can take immediate action to troubleshoot it if you discover any scratches, cracks, or other signs of wear and tear.

Note: It is recommended to use DIY cleaning solutions such as a small amount of dish soap with lukewarm water. Also, you can use glass or acrylic, cleaning agents.

Safety precautions that should be taken when using a display case:

Consider the following important safety measures before using a display case.

  • First and foremost, make sure the display case you select is sturdy enough to hold your hot wheels collections. Make sure it never tips over and that it supports your collections.
  • You need to ensure that the hot wheels display case is placed away from direct sunlight. This is important to keep the color of your Hot Wheels cars intact. Keep the case in a dry and cool place.
  • Never place your display case close to the heat sources like lamps or heaters because it can damage the plastic surface of your collections.
  • Carefully open and close the hot wheels display case. Don't do any hurry.
  • Ensure you have enough space for displaying your collections. Avoid over-crowding.

Can I Customize My Hot Wheels Display Case?

For Hot Wheels fans, customizing a display case is an exciting concept. Following are some key ideas for customizing your Hot Wheels display case.

  • You can customize the hot wheels display case with paint pens, stickers, or decals. Additionally, the case can be customized with logos or patterns.
  • One of the key ideas that can give your hot wheels display case a stunning look is adding LED strip lights. This will also give your collection an eye-catchy effect.
  • You can install more shelves that can increase the space for displaying your collection.
  • If you want to increase the visual effect of your display case, I will advise you to use backgrounds such as miniature buildings or scenery.

In addition to these, the customization options for the hot wheels display case are virtually limitless because it's a creative task. So customize your collections based on your personal preferences.

How many Hot Wheels are in a Case of Hot Wheels?

Usually, the size and type of the case determine how many hot wheels you can display in it. However, a typical display case of Hot Wheels holds up to 50 cars and trucks.

What is the Mattel Hot Wheels Track Builder Display Launcher?

The Mattel Hot Wheels Track Builder Display Launcher is a toy car track play set for children. It includes a launcher that sends cars down a track and a display stand to showcase the cars. The set is part of the Hot Wheels Track Builder system, which allows kids to design and build customized tracks.

Can I Display Other Types of Collectibles in Hot Wheels Display Case?

You can, of course, show off various collectibles in your hot wheels display case. Ensure the case is appropriate for the size and style of the alternative collections you intend to decorate. You can display the following items in your Hot Wheels display case.

  • Firstly, you can decorate die-cast cars ( different scales or brands) apart from hot wheels.
  • You can display different miniature car models in your case.


Don't stress about how to build a hot wheels display case for your car collection. With these hot wheels display case ideas, you can create a stunning and practical foam board hot wheels display case. It will help you safely store and organize your hot wheels car collection.

It doesn’t matter if you're an experienced carpenter or a newbie. Building a display case for your Hot Wheels collection is an enjoyable and fulfilling DIY to breathe new life into your collection. So grab your tools, pick out your materials, and begin constructing your Hot Wheels display case today.

About the Author Peter Simms